Negotiating Long Term Care Education Campaign

Are you a Care Giver feeling stressed, overwhelmed, guilty, hopeless?
You are not alone! These are real feelings that an everyday Care Giver taking care of their elder
loved ones are experiencing on a daily basis.

We want to help!

We will be hosting a bi-monthly “Navigating Long Term Care Education Campaigns.” These meetings will
be an opportunity for Care Givers in the community to meet with a panel of professionals who are experts in the field of Long Term Care and will be able to answer your questions and provide information that may be prove to be very valuable to you during this time. Learn More (PDF)

Join our upcoming session:

Due to Covid-19, meeting are temporarily postponed

Date to be announced

Placing Your Loved One

Admission to Normanna requires a Referral by case manager at a Home and Community Care office.
To access service call the Home Health Service Line for more information; do not contact the care home directly.


Home Health Service Line

To make a referral or for general information call 1-855-412-2121 (toll free).